May the Fourth be with you! Star Wars fans nationwide gather annually to celebrate the franchise in new and inventive ways. The Sky Elements team is no different, ringing in this holiday with intergalactic drone shows for a galaxy far, far away. Sky Elements was the first drone show company to fly a licensed Star Wars-themed drone show in 2021, but we’ve evolved since then. We’ve flown over a dozen Star Wars drone shows for MLB games, MLS games, and municipalities nationwide. Let’s look at some of the Star Wars drone shows we flew this year!

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, recreated over Angels Stadium
Last week, Sky Elements flew high above Anaheim for the Los Angeles Angels. Eight hundred drones recreated the classic Star Wars film, A New Hope. We flew Princess Leia, Han, Chewie, and, of course, the menacing Darth Vader. With 800 drones, we could add much more detail than in a smaller show. With that added detail, the animators created a sense of depth around the starships. An X-Wing flying through deep space never looked so good.

Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, recreated with 1,000 drones for FC Dallas
Sky Elements recreated Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back over the skies of Toyota Stadium. Scenes like AT-AT walkers invading Hoth and Yoda helping Luke raise his X-Wing out of the swamps of Dagobah were some formations that graced the skies over Frisco. This show is the largest Star Wars drone show ever flown, marking a historic night for attendees. We even had Darth Vader help us out at lift-off!

The Phantom Menace and Ahsoka featured in Oakland A’s 500-drone Star Wars drone show
2024 marks the 25th anniversary of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. The Oakland A’s flew fan favorite, Darth Maul, high above the Oakland-Alameda Coliseum. His double-sided lightsaber extends in front of his face as pyrotechnics light up the stadium. With the release of the new Ashoka Tano TV show, The A’s also opted to fly Ashoka with her blue and green lightsabers. Familiar faces across the galaxy hovered over the ballpark, bridging the gap between the prequels and the TV shows we know and love.

Smaller shows with big impact: 250 drones can still pack a punch!
Before breaking the record for the largest Star Wars drone show, FC Dallas hosted a 250-drone show. Despite the smaller drone count, the show was still a massive hit. Star Wars cosplayers took to the field to watch while fireworks lit up the stadium’s rim. Lightsaber duels and Grogu, affectionately called Baby Yoda, flew for that show. While 1,000 drones are impressive, 250 drones can similarly do the job.

Star Wars drone shows near me
Sky Elements flies officially licensed Star Wars drone shows nationwide. From Minneapolis to Anaheim, Sky Elements flies Star Wars shows often. As huge franchise fans, flying shows for intellectual property we love is one of our favorite parts of our job. Check out our See A Drone Show page to catch the next Star Wars drone show near you. Want us to do a fly show for you? Contact us today for a quote on your next Star Wars drone show!
May the fourth be with you always!