If you are looking for a huge way to get noticed and direct customers to your website, app, or music download, then flying a 300-foot-wide QR code in the sky is something that people can’t help but scan.
Sky Elements has worked with major brands and some of the biggest music artists to generate buzz with QR Codes in the sky made with hundreds of light show drones. These Drone QR codes are fully functional, work from the front, back and even angles.
We have cracked the QR code, and can create QR codes that require less drones while still remaining functional. This allows us to have a smaller footprint and fly the QR codes from a wider variety of locations. Utilize one of our standard QR codes or for larger events we can dedicate domain level redirection to your app, song, or website. That way when thousands of concert goers or passer

Sky Elements is a premiere drone light show company based Dallas, Texas and flys drone light shows all over the country. We bring visions to life and tell stories larger than life in our unique art form that merges technology, light, and sound. We will be flying many shows all over North Texas, so be sure to follow us on social media and keep up to date.
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